• e-ppraise Online Appraisal Platform

    Soon to be launched the website and online appraisal platform developed  in-house over the last 12 months. The system will allow companies to sign up, brand and create their own…

    Online Appraisal Software e-ppraise
  • Magnet Kitchens Cost Calculator

    Built for Sheridan, Europe’s largest manufacturer of natural & solid worktops & work surfaces this cost calculator is used to keep their customers up to date with the latest products,…

  • Chemistry Innovation Database

    Northwest Online was called in to develop a reporting database.  The database records many activities within the orgnisation and enables dynamic report queries to be…

  • Recollections Jewellery

    A front end website and back-end and web application for silver finger print business Recollections.  Backed orders from the Co-Operative are taken online, processed and linked to the in-office till…

    Website: www.recollections.org.uk
    Recollections Website Design
  • European Grain & Commodity Trading Platform

    Now in its BETA (testing) phase, European Grain trading platform features the latest grain and commodity prices throughout the UK, and will soon include Europe…

    Work Types: Website Design, Database
    Website: www.europeangrain.com
    European Grain Website Design